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ChiantiSunday, October 15th 2023
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The race
Green, smooth hills, red wineyards, tall cypress trees, sleeping villages and mystic castles ARE WAITING FOR YOU... there is no other ROMANTIC place for running and chilling in a landscape as sweet as the CHIANTISHIRE is.

Partecipating at an unique and unforgettable running event... a jump into a crazy crowd of the Chianti Trail, which is the most wanted in Italy.... and at the same time wlaking or running in between pure nature along wineyards and cypress trees up and down the hills of Tuscany, the most beautiful countryside of the world.

The 13-14-15th October 2023 will take place the 15th Chianti Classico Marathon at Castelnuovo Beradenga, (15 km  from Siena), witch  is included in the Italian list of  "Slow Cities  and centre of the Cities of the Wine" .

For the whole day of Saturday and Sunday the Mercantale is organized, near the starting and finish area and in the main streets of the country, with typical products of the territory, like Chianti wine, the olive oil, Tuscan salami, and pecorino cheese of Crete senesi.

After the race have a shower and have lunch at our free pasta party for all the athlets, and then come to the square of arrival and pick up your category prize; thanks to the chip and the TDS support you can have the real-time classification.

There are THREE competitive running events on Sunday 15th October 2023:

Ecomaratona del Chianti Classico 42k

Chianti Classico Trail  21k

Chianti Trail del Luca 13k

and ONE not competitive more for those who simply want to be part of it: EcoPasseggiata 6km and FitWalking 10km

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